Thursday, February 23, 2017

Homework 4 Think Big


When I first heard that what he worked on went obsolete or the company he designed a product for went out business, I grew very scared. If a product design is that bad I don't think I would hire someone with that kind of record to design stuff for me. When he started talking about how his problem was thinking on one thing, it reminded me how I solved or failed to solve some problems. I was thinking small, getting small results. When he started talking about the transportation system it reminded me how big innovative ideas can have a great impact. I was amazed how he started talking about the integration of culture and design in India. You don't get to see that stuff in America. While I do believe faster designing processes are good, "Rome wasn't built in a day". I still think that a lot of time is needed to perfect a design or product. The final phase of a product is putting it in the hands of consumers. We can learn much from how people react to a product, and use that info to make a better product. Game companies do this when they are developing sequels for games. If they get good reception and some criticism, they can take the criticism and make a better sequel. If they get bad reception and a lot of criticism they may not be able to make a sequel, but they can use the info they got to improve their design process for future games. Its amazing what a difference thinking big can do especially for countries like India, if we all started thinking big instead of small, the possibilities are infinite.

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