Saturday, February 25, 2017

Album Cover

The reason I did Dos Estupidos is because whenever me and my friend are around you will see us acting stupid and doing stupid thing.

Miley Cyrus Facelift

Thursday, February 23, 2017

Homework 4 Think Big


When I first heard that what he worked on went obsolete or the company he designed a product for went out business, I grew very scared. If a product design is that bad I don't think I would hire someone with that kind of record to design stuff for me. When he started talking about how his problem was thinking on one thing, it reminded me how I solved or failed to solve some problems. I was thinking small, getting small results. When he started talking about the transportation system it reminded me how big innovative ideas can have a great impact. I was amazed how he started talking about the integration of culture and design in India. You don't get to see that stuff in America. While I do believe faster designing processes are good, "Rome wasn't built in a day". I still think that a lot of time is needed to perfect a design or product. The final phase of a product is putting it in the hands of consumers. We can learn much from how people react to a product, and use that info to make a better product. Game companies do this when they are developing sequels for games. If they get good reception and some criticism, they can take the criticism and make a better sequel. If they get bad reception and a lot of criticism they may not be able to make a sequel, but they can use the info they got to improve their design process for future games. Its amazing what a difference thinking big can do especially for countries like India, if we all started thinking big instead of small, the possibilities are infinite.

Friday, February 10, 2017

"To the Point: Interview With Dave Perillo, aka Montygog" Response

I like how he got inspiration from the cartoons he watched as a kid. Sometimes the smallest of things we see at an early age inspire what we do later down in life. I got my inspiration to become a game designer from playing video games. I'm also glad that he knows that art doesn't always have to be serious. The game companies that inspired me have fun at conferences and when they do special promotions. If everything was serious it would get boring. I don't think I could ever self teach myself with the equipment to make video games costing way beyond my budget, but I like how Dave did both. If you just learn what others teach, how can you be original in your work? It's nice to see he uses some of the tools we are learning to use, mostly because if a popular artists uses it I think we can as well. Its nice to know he got noticed on a website such as devianart  but not many can. There are thousands of artists there posting new content everyday. He was a lucky one in a million to be noticed. I'm surprised at what he has done, even working for Disney, not many big shots can even pull that off. I'm interested in how far he can go as an artist.

Friday, February 3, 2017


Homework 2

Rethinking The Way We Sit Down

              During the beginning I did't know where the guy was going. What he was trying to get across. As he went on talking I was surprised how he used what he learned making model airplanes into developing chairs. I was really surprised at the chair he made that could use your weight instead of reaching something to help you adjust the chair. I didn't think that was possible. While it can't accommodate everyone it is a genius idea. Its simple and I don't have to worry about a 20 page manual, if you get the reference from the video. I don't understand how he did some of the stuff he did with his chair such as moving both armrests at the same time or getting the head rest to move up as you recline but it is pure genius. If this was an add this guy would be taking all my money. I may question taking the bicycle seat idea for the chair but I would need to sit in it to find out how comfortable it is.