Friday, March 3, 2017

Homework 5 Response

Not many people get the chance that dusting had. It's great that he was able to get the job he did in  high school. It allowed him to get his foot in the door and gain experience. It's also nice that he decided to go on his own. Sometimes you need to get out there and see what you wouldn't staying with an agency. I do not know this Paul he was speaking of, but he sounds very interesting. Not cut from the same cloth as others. I find it funny the magnolia was in full bloom while they where working on there project. Those kind of opportunities don't come up that often. But when they do it can work out really well. Sometimes better than expected. The more I read the more I'm liking this Paul guy. There aren't many people that loyal. I also got to say that Dustin has some good taste. I'm glad that Dustin knows to take a break, sometimes we come up with our best ideas and designs while we are relaxing or not consciously thinking about our work. When we hit a road block sometimes we need to think outside the box. Ask ourselves a different question. Dustin has this in the bag.

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