Friday, January 27, 2017

HomeWork 1

I don't Know if you wanted it on our blogs or in the comments of the homework page, so i did both.I ask more when I come to class. 

How to Ruin a Great Design talks about bad designs, why there are bad, and rages on question how people could mess up these designs such as the "Diverted Cyclists" sign in London. The one in London for example has quite a few problems that the article addresses. For example how the D is way to big compared to the other letters used on the sign. The D takes more of the attention than anything else on the sign. Anyone who passes by may only notice the D. This is a poor design for a sign for cyclist. The whole sign should get your attention.

Sun Set

Nickolas Johnson

Friday, January 20, 2017

Nickolas Johnson


1. What is your computer experience?
         I have basic experience operating a computer.

2. What is your experience with Photoshop and Illustrator?
         I have no experience with photoshop, but  have work with programs similar to Illustrator.

3. What is your major?
         Game design and development.

4. What do you hope to get out of this class?
          I hope to learn hope to use programs such as photoshop and get a better understanding on graphic designing for my major.

5. Who is your favorite artist?
          I don't have a favorite artist, I was never really good with art that had to be done with my hands.

6. Who is your favorite musician?
          I don't really have a favorite musician, I listen to songs from all over the place. I like some songs of many different musicians.

7. Tell me something about yourself?
         There isn't much to tell but I am always there for my friends and family.

8. Write a five line story?
There once was a man who fought with his opposite every day. Each fighting for control. No one knew of this battle for it happened on a battleground hidden to the naked eye. When it seemed that one had advantage over the other the tides turned just as swiftly. The battle pushed the man to his emotional, mental and lastly physical limits. One day when he was about to give in a light shone brightly. So bright that he followed it. No one knows where he is now.

9. Post an image on the blog

I don't Know if you wanted it on our blogs or in the comments of the homework page, so i did both.I ask more when I come to class.

How to Ruin a Great Design talks about bad designs, why there are bad, and rages on question how people could mess up these designs such as the "Diverted Cyclists" sign in London. The one in London for example has quite a few problems that the article addresses. For example how the D is way to big compared to the other letters used on the sign. The D takes more of the attention than anything else on the sign. Anyone who passes by may only notice the D. This is a poor design for a sign for cyclist. The whole sign should get your attention.